Osteoarthritis: degenerative or post-traumatic?
Osteoarthritis (OA) results of the wear of joints
cartilage loss
reduced articular space
bone erosions
It occurs when there is increased joint stress or synovial inflammation
slow wear: daily overuse, muscle weakness, obesity, degenerative process and family history
fast wear: following a fracture, joint injuries or certain rheumatic pathologies, blood diseases like hemochromatosis
OA consequences
articular pain after rest
Recurrent acute joint pain
progressive limbs deformation
limitation of activities or walking perimeter because of pain
Objectives of OA treatment
perceived improvement of the quality of life
disappearance of pain
resumption of moderate physical and sport activities
Conservative treatment options
analgesic treatment
anti-inflammatory drugs
joint infiltrations: steroidal, hyaluronic acid, PRP
physiotherapy, daily activity, weight loss
external devices and orthotic devices
Surgical treatment options
When conservative treatment failed to provide the quality of life you need, it is time to consider surgical treatment
In early OA forms or in case of isolated accessible lesion, arthroscopic treatment may be an effective solution
In late OA forms, the damage is too great; it is necessary to consider the replacement of the painful joint by a surgical prosthesis (designed for maximum safety and longevity, products of a state-of-the-art industry, subject to vigilant regulation)
Contact SOSVC - SOS ORTHOPEDICS to discuss with a doctor about OA treatment options